I had made plans for this year, month by month. I prayed and wrote down as I hoped that it would be just as I had envisioned. Habakkuk 2:2 "Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it." January was fine, I was in for 21days of fasting which ushered my February. I felt energetic, charged ready to watch the year unfold and tick my 'Calendar '! This was going to be my year! March buzzed in. I began to be more watchful and expectant but little did I know that I was about to be disrupted. The first case of what was to be a global pandemic was announced in the country, but it didn't hit home. Well, I figured out this was manageable and no cause for any alarm. At least not to affect any of my plans. They were tucked in neatly and put to order, as I had envisioned! Little did I know what was to follow. A week later, movements were restricted, schools were closed (this affected me) th...
Dear Jesus, Happy resurrection! Today is a significant day that qualified us for victory. Oh, happy day! When Jesus washed my sins away. That on his day, death could not hold you, the veil tore before you. What a day when the boast of death was silenced. Yes, the tomb is empty, He that was asleep is now in glory! Oh, what Victory! Victory over everything that could stand against us, hold us back or sabotage us from your great plans. Lord Jesus, this world needs you. We need your touch The pain is such an ouch But in your name, we vouch We are desperate that you silence the pandemic The way you overcome the devil and dropped the mic We need to see miracle and wonders Like when you calm the roaring thunders And put the enemy in his place till he shudders Dear Jesus, Little children need to play Even the women look forward to slay But the real question is how do we pray ? Teach us what to say Mould us to you...