I like to think of myself as a patient yet inpatient person, ( a paradox right?). I am patient towards others yet treat myself with some level of impatience. Self imposed timelines for myself are what I would consider the yeast to my rising dough.
Something I am unlearning as I grow older. But what stretched this for me is that the older we grow, the more we are inclined to look, feel and be seen to be productive, proactive, securing whatever the bag is. That is why even on social media, it is those that have “results of the day” or what corporate lingo may call “KPI’s” that seem to ammerse a following.
Let’s consider this verse.
Isaiah 61:3
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord
for the display of his splendor.
Now let’s consider an Oak - “Oak trees generally take several decades to reach maturity, with most species taking around 30-40 years to start producing acorns, considered a sign of maturity;
Perhaps you are wondering where I am going with this. As one who feels the pressure to achieve, produce or succeed within certain timelines. I am reminded of the Oak. Isaiah 61 is a very potent scripture that talks about Rebuilding. It is a verse that is filled with God’s promises.
But what struck me is that; it will take time. What God is doing in my life, will take time. For me to be considered an Oak of righteousness, may not take the Proverbial “ vision board and word of the year” Not that this is a bad thing, no, I consider it wise to be prudent to times and seasons. It is just that, some things may need a layering of seasons.
Consider an Oak….. I say to myself in this season.
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