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Why the Devil wants You for Dessert ! - On the Menu

Let’s agree to disagree, this year has a point to prove, it’s in a rush. It’s on the run to somewhere; it has to be there by December.  

 I am not sure whether I am the one experiencing this, but Sunday is such a throw stone away from Monday nowadays.

It feels like yesterday I was huffing and puffing trying to get my resolutions together, it’s now July .

Anyway I am buckling up and keeping up with the speed levels of 2018. 

2018, if you can hear me, I am breaking sweat as well, we shall revisit and settle in December.

I love Nigerians, it’s not their Jollof rice or their incredible sense of art, and it’s their oomph! , I have a thing for their vigour. I find them so boisterous in their confession especially.

You can tell when Jesus said, the kingdom suffers violence and the violent shall take it by force, that was for them.  I have limited knowledge about them but I have managed to gather a few traits here and there from their Afro-centric films, music and social Media , that's a great place to start from.

There was a caption on Instagram by a Nigerian man stood out for me. The man was just posting a photo displaying a vacation in some exotic place in the heights of Indonesia.

The Caption read “ I can’t come and die Abeg !” .

 Sorry to bust your bubble if you were expecting some deep Martin Luther King JR quote, find it in your heart to forgive me.

There was something about His caption just Hi-fived my spirit!   It almost felt like an inner witness, Me too, Oga Chief, I must have whispered in excitement !

Okay, let me give you a little back story. 

This year for me has been one of those where I have had to fight back.  The enemy has thing where he just like throwing punches and because I did not sign up for mediocrity, I have been forced to fight back.

My friend and I were recently sharing about the countless moments we have had to be challenged and take things by force.  “This guy won’t quit, When he is done with your relationship, he comes at your finances, when you think you are good, you find him meddling with your family affairs!” She voiced her resentment.
You always have to be alert and assertive because he prowls like a lion looking for one whom he may devour.1 Peter 5:8

“Faith ebu I ask you, I retorted in the middle of the conversation. Do you think sometimes the enemy likes some meat better than others ?”

Maybe it’s because as children of God, we are marinated with the oil of the Holy Spirit, we have a savour of heaven and it reminds him of where we come from and he hates it.

If I can be honest, the devil wants to snack you. He has plots of how he will marinate you in lies, anoint you with the oil of deceit then use middle  high heat on you to grill with the cares of the world.

To Him, you are the perfect menu for his next all black party (wanted to say white but, he doesn’t sound like one who cleans up nicely).

 I know I am making a light of this but please know that , whatever difficultly you are facing has been orchestrated. 

The same way you make a your way to the market with the plans that 3 tomatoes and one clove of garlic will count for that Chicken in the backyard , so have the forces of darkness been organized and structured to keep you at bare minimal .  (2 Corinthians 10:4)

No wonder The Word is always beckoning us to be alert .

Let’s dive into scripture,
Mark 5:1-20

The bible tells a story of a man who was possessed by a legion of demons (Many). They had bound him to that territory of tombs (I can imagine this is a very creepy man that terrified people).

 I am sure he had become a pet peeve for the people around and had tags for weirdness and DO NOT GO NEAR HIM sign written over him.

Jesus comes and ‘demons’ beg him not to harm them but send them to another place! Jesus commands them off and the man is restored.

This man is restored in such a way that he now gets influence in 10 Cities. Read (Verse 20)

 Can you imagine that the demons had decided, He belongs to the graveyard and spooking out people will be HIS portion and cutting himself was a sport the demons enjoyed whenever they were bored?   Uuuurgh ! The audacity!

 You may think this is too far-fetched but what I got from that is that there are areas the enemy has made a playing field in my life. 

There are demons that have been assigned to keep you  and I on leash!  They tremble when you have an encounter with Jesus because it serves them a warranty for arrest while it vindicates our release to purpose.

“ I can’t come and die Abeg !” .

I insist, even if I will come out smelling like war , or like Jacob with a twist in my walk , I must triumph, there is one in me that has conquered and I will conquer as well .

 I have learnt that as we continue to sing ‘Kanyaga shetani and declaring he is under our feet, he mostly is in our heads. He rules in strongholds and deceit of the mind.

We must learn to see the areas of our weakness as stepping stones for 10 cities like the possessed man.  

The question that I have been asking myself is what are the areas that I feel restricted in?

Like the possessed man, what lies is the enemy using to me that keeps me on leash at  the graveyards (which represent dead-ness and staleness) 

 Because there is the place that I possess influence and mobility and it awaits me.

Jesus died for us so that we can Live a life of victory, so my Nigerian brother, I agree. We cannot come and Die, we have purpose and it has to be unleashed .  

 ALSO, Thank you for people who always find time to read and give me feedback , 

Thank you !  XO Bellz 


  1. Good piece Bella. God Bless You ABUNDANTLY

    1. Thank you Ian for stopping by .
      May He bless you too . Beyond your expectations .

  2. This is so encouraging! I'm currently in this same state of mind, that I'm here to win. If I'm in the battlefield, I'm going to walk out in total victory! The devil isn't here to play games with us, he is here for the kill. But we already have the upper hand and the victory once we are past his intimidation tactics.

    1. Thank you for reading . For stopping by . For your constant encouragement & friendship .


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