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Lessons 101 : Prison Break Tactics

Hello, hello , Hope you are okay and smiling , wear your smile everywhere ! it looks good on you !

 I really haven’t been feeling too inspired to write until I had an interesting dream that stirred me up. My friend Sue and I had this interesting conversation and stock-taking about where we are in life after she had a non -delightful encounter with her former classmate.  Interesting how people judge you in  life based on these questions, “What you are up-to and where you work , isn't there more to life ?? anyhow !
It will teach you two things, How to force a smile and how to indulge in those Inhale – exhale yoga classes’ techniques. 

 Anyways, this has been an interesting season; I can’t really put my finger at anything really so allow me to flow.  Have you ever been in a tight spot in your life, the kind that you cannot explain? You are not sure whether you are moving or learning. Well, if you have been there, this is one is for you and me. “2nd Cor 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

 Allow me to share a part of my dream, “we had some sought of  school reunion and my former classmates were in attendance. One of them approached me and asked what I was doing in life, she did not let me explain or even talk as she went on explaining how well she was doing and it was vivid that she was doing okay, she was pregnant and she murmured about her achievements but I was too distracted to pay attention.  Honestly, when I woke up I did not remember the dream until I logged on to my social accounts scrolling through people’s  display of their haves and have-not then the dream surfaced, right on Time!  

I have acquired this habit of just chilling, responding and not reacting to my fears or anxiety but digressing with the word of God. I can’t explain how I acquired it, but I figured it’s like a switch that has always been there , by God's grace I just found it !

I was taken back to the Account of Paul and Silas Acts 16:25, arrested yet praising!  Could it be the reason why you are in some sort of prison (bound) is to set others free). See, it says “25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. “  What was profound is that other prisoners we listening in, then followed the move of God. Essentially what the Lord was saying, your praise in your prison will be not only your deliverance but it will affect others prisoners. 

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how long we are in prison, the purpose could be to affect someone, that 
could be their ticket out. You want Prison Break? Praise your way out! Everyone else is complaining, cursing, be different.  

Joseph was in the prison, and when the butler and baker showed up in need of an interpretation ( a solution ) . Joseph had two options as a prisoner, to feel inadequate and ignore or to go forth and do it anyway!  You were assigned that mountain to show others it can move #Stolen!  Could it also mean that your deliverance could come from a fellow prisoner?

 Sometimes we wait and tarry for the rescue from outside yet the solution is within. The solution was not only crafted for the butler and the baker but Egypt and beyond, It sorted generations and Nations.

People’s opinions could be some sort of prison, fear, failure, delay, You name it ! But we are called to praise through it. Differentiate what you are loyal to and what you are a slave of! Loyalty liberates, slavery binds you! Sometimes we are captives of our own thoughts thinking it’s the allegiance we owe to how we have been raised and taught. 

Joseph’s dreams were not his ticket to the palace, it was his interpretations. Don’t get me wrong, there are things that I was taught that I have to unlearn for the sake of the kingdom of God and my growth. The truths of God’s kingdom seem to be foolishness to the world, but we know we live by faith not by sight.

To wrap it up, am I where I ought to be? Not yet! But God has promised to perfect everything at the right time, delay is not denial. As Paul says “Phillipians 4  “ I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. was after this revelation !    Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.  The Word there is CONTENT!!!

As someone once told me, If you complain you remain ,if you praise you are raised. Whistle away to your breakthrough .
Better days Ahead!!!


  1. Awesome article! Keep them coming! :-)

  2. This is profound..... Great revelation God bless you dear

  3. Aaaaaw , thank You a bunch carol , all glory to God .

    God bless .


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