Why Christians Ought to Use Fragrance more Often

Happy April ….

Hope you had a wonderful Easter.  April is here, the year is unfolding super fast and my prayer has been Psalm 90:12“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” I really want this year to count.

I am in a season where I feel like God is building my muscle and capacity .You know that place where you feel God nudging you to tone up? Lift the weights , take the mile and drink lots of water ? It can be hard but once you see the results , it motivates you to do more and learn more . Paul writes " Work out your Faith with fear and trembling ,  Let’s just say spiritual work-outs are a thing .

As it was the Easter season, the Lord laid something in my heart .We had a powerful moment in Church this Easter, the sermons rotated around the message of the Cross, pardon me , The Powerful message of the CROSS

2 Corinthians 2:14-16 King James Version (KJV)
14 Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.

Why did Jesus DIE?
What did He do that makes us so Special?
What are you doing about His death and resurrection?

 As a child of, God intents that you and I walk in dimensions of constant victory in our day to day lives.
 “All I DO is Win” should be a Christian Anthem not a Dj- Khalid punch line! 

Jesus died so that all you do is win in this life. Will there be moments of Failures? Of course yes! But there is an assured Win no matter how things look like. The bible says that all things work together for good, for them that Love the Lord and are called according to His purposes. Romans 8:28

If we all came to the realization that Jesus died so that we could have life and have it in abundance then we could nail some issues at the cross. 

As I was reflecting on why Jesus died, a thought just leaped in my Spirit “I am Worthy! I am so worthy that Jesus left his comfort and came to be nailed on the cross so that the Father and I are reconciled in love.

Buckle UP! , I am about to say something quite controversial , I know we like to sing about What a wretch we were , and how miserable we were before He saved us and that’s true- because we were .. BUT, the story does not end there.

There is more and I hereby submit to your consideration that His love for us is relentless, it’s reckless even. He did everything, suffered truly, was humiliated because he couldn’t imagine the thought of heaven without you and me.  We ought to count ourselves with Worthy because we come not by our own righteousness but through the blood of JESUS.

Yet while we were still sinners, he came to die for us. He chose us; he had us in mind when he suffered on the Cross.  *Inserts a Praise and Dab *

Personally, I cannot stand the thought that I am destined for less, because Jesus went ALL OUT for Me, there is nothing enlightening about me playing small in the kingdom of God.

Why people want to shrink others is because they do not embody the same convictions. God wants ALL of us to Prosper. Not some,but All. That is why salvation is free to all! No requirement is needed, just a willing and accepting heart to Him that gave it all. The veil was torn ! We all have free access .
I want to live my Life for God; there is nothing cooler than Jesus.  Jesus is so cool that the first thing he ever did was change water into WINE ! I know that’s a bit extra but flow with me here …..he he!
But it only goes how relaxed and chilled he is. He is amazing! Words fail me!

Okay, on the vein of how cool Jesus is, He is cool that he hanged- out with the sinners. He did not shame or bash them , He brought them the good news. See Zacchaues !  He was so chilled the Pharisee’s missed him because they wanted a savior with a Tux and tie but he kept it simple.

The point is, He wants us to be in TRIUMPH. He showed this at the cross and he even gave us the Holy Spirit as internal leakage that we may never fail. How Sweet!  So when I was thinking about the Cross and what He did for me, I wouldn’t want to take it for granted.  I want people to know Jesus, if not for anything that they might receive their portion of eternal life!  Eternal Life is the real triumphant thing that one could ever secure.

On the real though, do you know Jesus? Do you know why he really went all out for you and me at the Cross? Do really? Because if you and I really knew what he did, we would carry ourselves and others worthy of the Love that he showed us. May we Know, may we constantly remember that He has given us Victory and constantly is giving us victory over everything. May we be the fragrances of LIFE , and if  you know anything about Perfumes you know that people don't buy the perfume via sales or commercials , fragrances mostly work by referrals. 

Hi Wanjiku ? You smell nice , what's that fragrance ? It's Jesus 
Oh okay ! Where can I get ?
Oh , I will show you ...

...Later !....
 OMG I looove this perfume , people comment on how good I smell ! 
Literally every room I walk in people are dazzled by my fragrance!
....... A lady asked me where I got it , I am about to tell her ! 

P.S  "maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. " 
be that Fragrance that will change the atmosphere in a room, the world is too stuffy and you and I carry his Freshness ! 


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