My 2016, What I have learnt Part 1

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Shalom๐Ÿ™ . Hope you are well ๐Ÿ˜Š
The reality is that we are not going to have December part 2 guys, the curtains are wrapping up…It’s December!๐Ÿ’ƒ  It has been such an interesting journey. There are things that I have learnt in the last 11 months, allow me to share them with you.

It's okay, God has you!

I have come to realize that everything happens for a reason.   God pre-orders my steps, I constantly have to remind myself in Psalms 139: 16 that there is a book and all my members were written. Jeremiah 29:11. God has a plan over my life, whether I see it or not, I simply believe. It's okay if I do not have what I want to have now, it's okay if people cannot see through my passions and ambitions,  it's okay God has got me. His word upholds me; I will be still and know that He is God. At one point people will doubt your worth and believe just don’t be that person. You are your biggest cheerleader and the one in you is greater than the one in the world.

Do not get too attached

Jesus tells a young man in Luke 19:21 if you want to follow me sell your possessions and follow me, and he was greatly sorrowed for he had a lot of possessions. I have come to a point in life where I would rather the blessing of God than the blessing of man. Proverbs 10:22 “The blessing of God maketh rich and addeth no Sorrow. Sometimes we get too attached with Me, Mine and Myself. We forget we are simply stewards.  There is a kingdom at stake; God wants to trust us because there are things that need to be accomplished. I keep learning that I own nothing but I am a steward in God's vineyard.  My attitudes have to change to accommodate God’s agenda, and I have to release myself to hear from God. It has not been easy but, I have gradually told God to help me release things , to give my time , my connections , my abilities if it helps add up to someon's purpose .

If it doesn’t challenge me , it cannot change me

I have had some of the most challenging conversations, situations and so much. My initial response was always to block things and  avoid confronting issues. Lo ! And behold, the Lord will never test you in the fire if he wasn't  there with you. Things that will question your believes, your mindset, your worth will come at you and you need to learn that the same fire that consumes also purifies. You will be surprised at how much strength and ability to persevere God deposits in you.

The Value of friendship

We all want loyal friends, friends that back us up to the very last breath but are you that friend?  As I grow older, I have learnt the need of quality and not quantity. It is not your clique that has your back, it is that one friend who is honest enough to say “Bro, you have worn that shirt three times this week  , what’s the catch ๐Ÿ™ˆ?“. Sometimes the voice of honesty cracks and its often shallow but its impact exceeds beyond the echo ''.
Be that person that someone thinks of when they want to air out, and can speak the truth even if their voice shakes. It is a learning curve , but it is meant to refines us to be better people and creditworthy beings.

 Jesus at the center

There are days when I felt out of place, not knowing what to do, mistaken, judged ,even condemned by self or others. He never forsakes or leaves; he is always there in the stillness and quietness, Jesus .He is the very essence to my life. I have tried faithing It and faking It but the former always felt much better. We go through a lot in life but imagine if you had someone who was constant with you, never judging, listening and loving on you. That person has, and will always be Jesus. I know the world has a whopped system of making God look less but I extend my invitation to you to Know Jesus as a friend, healer, a savior and much more.  I do not pretend to know it all , but what I have I give you … the comfort of a Savior !
.. I have laughed, cried , been disappointed , uplifted , lost and Found but One thing is constant The Love of Jesus . 
Has it been easy ? No , but I am grateful to have learnt , laughed, loved and lived . Great is thy Faithfulness ....❤️

❤️❤️❤️ Bellz ...๐Ÿ‘‹
