It is Not Good For Man to be Alone

"Any fool can get married, only True Christians marry well" Pst.Angie Murenga . This is the statement of the year that made huge sense for me. You may wonder why I ought to speak about marriage or dating well, we are headed there some day ...yes some day. Some are already there , and for some ...been there done that .

Life partners  are a crucial area in life because they were designed by God for us. It is unfortunate that we make so many mistakes in this area.
 You see in Genesis, God created Eve for Adam. Note: it is God who saw that it’s not good for man to be alone. Adam never approached God, God saw his loneliness and he acted towards it.  God knows that you do not look good alone and he is trying to find you THE ONE. God doesn't need help, as you are busy looking for Keisha, Mary, June, Faith trying to figure out which one God wants for you. God is in Control in all aspects and His TIMING is PERFECT for us.

Finding a partner means that you are going to spend a lifetime with them and stick around till death. They have to Love you for who you are, not for what you are bringing at the table. That is where we are failing; we are loving people for their projects and visions, and not for who they are.

 Like Christ Loves the church that is who we are supposed to love the one God has in store for us. A question you might want to ask, why then do I have to date?  I do not refute that courting is part of the equation but honestly dating is a conscious decision. You cannot date because your best friend is dating or because you feel that it’s a fun thing to do.

 You have to ask God whether you are really ready for that part of life. Let me help you, because I was also helped in that area. Ask God whether you are ready ... don't rush and then get hurt and run to God crying your heart out .  God is sometimes shocked when we go with heartaches from relationships because he was not involved, he can hardly remember giving you permission to be in one. (On a light note)
Dating is a spiritual decisions, it’s not a pocket issue, or a physical issue. Be led of the Holy Spirit, he will lead you in all truths John 16:13.

None is perfect; we have to constantly b in communion with God so that he can constant remind us who is good for us.

Then Romans 12:2, when we are no longer conformed by the patterns of the world, then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
