I had made plans for this year, month by month. I prayed and wrote down as I hoped that it would be just as I had envisioned. Habakkuk 2:2 "Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it." January was fine, I was in for 21days of fasting which ushered my February. I felt energetic, charged ready to watch the year unfold and tick my 'Calendar '! This was going to be my year! March buzzed in. I began to be more watchful and expectant but little did I know that I was about to be disrupted. The first case of what was to be a global pandemic was announced in the country, but it didn't hit home. Well, I figured out this was manageable and no cause for any alarm. At least not to affect any of my plans. They were tucked in neatly and put to order, as I had envisioned! Little did I know what was to follow. A week later, movements were restricted, schools were closed (this affected me) th...
Christ is my Reward