This is not the usual post, in fact, if you are religious, shuuuu! this one is not for you🙋. Disclaimer! This is not the kind of post for self-proclaimed judges! We are keeping it real! The last couple of months have been interesting. I have interacted with a couple of people that have voiced out this kind of a thing- God does not work for me anymore. From their expressions, I could tell they were coming from a sincere place. The patent reaction I would have opted for was the need to shove down that religious vibe of "Imagine God is real and he has good plans for you, and quote some scriptures". But this time, I decided to just listen in and understand. The truth is, I cannot purport to understand why that is their conclusion but sadly, they live under such a reality. The way we Christians are set up, we have clever ways of dodging issues and saying " Imagine it is well, cast all your anxiety to Jesus'', Yet we cannot produce solutions to cure these h...
Christ is my Reward