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Showing posts from March, 2017

Why God Would rather Shut You Up -He Does The Talking

I have missed you guys, can you tell ? really I have .  I miss you like the Sound of rain hitting the earth :)  Hope you are well. I would love to share from my heart to yours, shall I? I have been taking time off to listen, understand and try and comprehend why my 1+1=2 and God has a different answer that looks something like 11. Let me tell you of a man who had sort of the same issue of solving the equation. You see Moses was a man whom God had chosen as the deliverer for the Israelites from bondage. Right from the get, he was delivered by Pharaoh’s daughter into the Palace.  His life had been spared as  child while every male child was been killed .Deep down, Moses questioned God how he was going to deliver the Israelites, so he started solving disputes of injustices against his people which got him into trouble.  As a young man, he decided to flee from the trouble because now he has domez with his Pharaoh Aka Foster dad. From the Palace, he goes to ...

Why Samson Experinced Heart Failure

“Proverbs 4:23 keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”   I find myself making this prayer a lot , Lord help me Guard my heart , insulate my heart from pain , offense and anything that would cause it harm, because the issues of life will flow from the flow of my heart !  Happy March!  Can you imagine  we are on the third month just like that! Seems we are blinking through the days!   Allow me to share from something I have been reading and someone I have been meditating on “Samson”. I promise it has everything to do with my introduction if you promise to read through it!   😊 A little Back-story  .. Samson’s life is recorded in the book of Judges Chapter 13; it starts off when his parents get a visitation from the angel of the Lord with good news that a child will be born to them.   I am sure there was overwhelming Joy to be chosen and gifted with a boy that God would use to deliver their natio...