2018 : What a year ! Taking Stock

December is finally here!  πŸ˜Ž 2018 is giving us that courtesy bow!

You know how you can have a long distant cousin away in abroad and long to see them? the one that always shows up with gifts and the irreconcilable accent ? December feels like that cousin, only that they arrived no sooner than expected …

2018, Yaiiiks! Where do we start?  Apart from this year feeling like 6 months wrapped in 12 months, it was a very eventful year.  My tag line was God, Goals, growth and Goals.  I wasn’t ready! The growth part had me all sorts of groaning! , I feel like I have grown for my village , that stretch! 

I am here to share my learning’s from this year. It’s been a roller-coaster BUT GOD is always good I judge him faithful.

God will strip you naked :)

The way I am set up, I like having a form of control towards something.  I want to conjure my way out of a situation.

Like when Adam and Eve fell, they realized “Yo, we are naked, let us come up with something cover ourselves up”They quickly sewed up fig leaves and made themselves Aprons (Genesis 3:7)

The Lord graciously stripped them of the figs aprons they had made and made them some nice coats of skin designer clothes. Hold up, the first Heaven’s fashion week was at the garden! How cool is that. God is not that boring after all; He saw the fur and leather trend before Alexander McQueen.

You see, God knew that those Fig aprons wouldn’t last them for long. Even in their mistake, their cover up was too shallow but God gave them a cover-up that would keep them warm and keep them going.

I find myself always trying to cover-up for mistakes and shortcomings; I have a whole fabric of fig laid out to make aprons. Yet God stripes of all the efforts to cover-up for me and he covers me , in style ! What grace ,what love. 

The goal is never to embarrass me; it’s to show me that my efforts can only take me so far. He created permanent covering through Jesus so that I don’t have to always find ways to cover up for myself. He understands my frailty and he is always there to cover me . 

Chill , wait for IT✌

Heeeh , If there is a year that I was immersed in the deep waters of patience it has to be this one  .Surely , I have seen God being so gracious in ways that I am undeserving . I have seen my friends being released to greater heights, dimensions even. I am so grateful for them and I am elated for their blessings. Often when the waters are being stirred up, there is this anticipation that God is in the neighborhood so “lazima apitie hapa “.

I have learnt that God will not withhold anything from me. I am his child. But will release those things when I am in the right state and my attitude matches the weight of the blessings. 

Sometimes we want God to bless us so that we don't look like we have been left out . We want him to come through not for us but because we desire to make statements to people of our progression and miracle evolution. 

 It has taken me the longest time to learn that if my attitude is not aligned right, the blessing can be an ensnarement to me. I now understand that God will bless me for me , not for others to see but for me to know, He is my God . 

The wait is so necessary because it depicts the heart condition.  The question is not how bad you want it, what is the intention of having it?  Because, if you know that it is meant for you, then why the panic? Sleepless nights ? It will surely come ! Isaiah 55:11

It’s not lost....πŸ™…

Apart from losing two phones this year, and a couple of material losses, I believe the hardest of losses is in relationships. I always have a sour taste in my mouth at the thought of loss. It bothers me; I would lose sleep over loss. 

When you are growing, loss is inevitable.  I struggled with this particular one because I thought that loss depicted some sort of carelessness or not having the tenacity to hold on to things or people.

There are people who are meant for your journey and as real as it is, some are seasonal, some are permanent but mostly it has to be about choices. 

Ruth had an option to leave Naomi but she stayed, she saw past the flaws and the brokenness. Orpah wanted out, there is nothing wrong with wanting out, it’s noble and honest. 

Its saying , "I am sorry but I don't belong to the script of your life .... and life has a way of moving on ." 

I have come to learn that the exit of one means the entry for another. God is not bored in heaven and having a circus event with our lives, we are his children not his toys. Whatever you lose here, you will gain much more.

 Let there be lessons, releases and openness to the losses. He has a thing for restoration, just leave it in his hands, I promise you will forget what the loss felt like when that gain shows up.

Let people ShineπŸ’₯

I want to just preach a little louder for the people at the back!  

When God created us, he made room for all of US. There is no one that is on this planet that God did not think about. 

 The room for us to manifest is so big that you and I could have M-pesa Shop on the same street, opening at the same time and we would still WIN.  

I’ve seen people block others from accessing their blessings simply because it mirrored on their own insecurities. 

We were having conversations with some friends over brunch. The conversation challenged us to introduce our friends, to mention them in rooms that would create elevation/ opportunities for them.

If your friend sings, and you know a gig that is happening, mention them. If your friend bakes , support them .  

Lately , I have been finding myself in rooms that I could not have forged my way into , simply because someone saw something in me that they thought would be of value addition . The best thing thing you could ever do to people is always slide the ladder down when you get up there . 

There is room for everyone to win, some will win higher than others but that doesn’t mean it’s a shadow to your own success.

Guess what? In heaven there is not middle class / first class. It all boils down to: well done good and faithful servant, not well done Honourable, DR. MBA. CCPA . 

The score card of heaven is:   We are all servants, serve in your lane! Your reward is in your faithfulness to the course .

What has 2018 taught you? Share , I would love to know .


Thank you for always passing by this Blog! You made the memories of 2018 worth the count. Forever grateful .

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy NEW YEAR!!πŸ’–
