Fitness Challenge with Jesus - Subscribe !

"The real owners of your heart are coming to collect" -This statement was made by my Pastor on Sunday. The weight of that statement created some momentum of heat in my body in this appalling cold.
 Speaking of cold, is there anyone with a scripture to stand with concerning this kind of weather?  I have never seen such cold that shows off like this, I wish it had an intention like the Sun; it’s hot because people need to swim, do laundry, picnic or bask... Anyway I digress.  
I have a confession; you can get into your priest office, lean in!  When the year started, I was charged, I had goals,  serious goals for that matter,  they included staying fit! I was working out, drinking water; two spoons sugars instead of four, P.s the less judgmental you are the better for me to continue with my confession! , following tutorials on how to get that abs game strong and tone that body into shape!

Slowly, I let that piece of pork woe me, then Samosas here and there and before I knew it, I was no longer on YouTube looking for workout tutorials but on 3 easy ways to make Chicken wings! -

 Cha muhimu ni uhai they say ? I decided to be more delicate on my spiritual work out!

 Phil 2:12
..."Work out your own Salvation with Fear and trembling" - The Amplified has a more elaborate and profound way of putting it across !

When I read this verse, I realized it has less to do with HOW you work out but WHO your trainer is! 

When you work out with God, The rules of engagement are His.  He knows what it takes you to get into the right shape and how you can stay motivated and improving. The day you say the Prayer of salvation, you subscription to the
heavenly Gym membership begins!  

Let’s start with that CARDIO

Essentially, cardio workout is meant to raise your heart rates, make body moment stronger and efficient.
They say that Cardio exercises helps you burn fat, toxins and all that unnecessary weight.

Guarding your heart is the best Cardio.  When your heart is right, everything that comes out from your body will be an overflow.

I feel like this has to be God’s most favourite training session!  Man! , you can never extinguish lessons from this work out. It’s the core and most pivotal of all. It qualifies the rest of the work out.

Spiritual cardio is not a joke; you will have to lay down any form of weights, intentions that is unhealthy for your heart.
 You will break sweat, sometimes feel the pangs of tiredness and sometimes wonder whether it is necessary but trust me you will need that session.


 I goggled the benefits of walking,
Here are some: Mood booster, creative juices start flowing, better digestive system and so much more.
Imagine walking with God!  Jeez I literally had a light bulb moment. We have a chance to transact with God, to speak to God, to hear him. Looking through the Bible, Jesus literally walked with God; see how He was able to impact the world?

Imagine walking with someone who you are in communion with, the joy, the encouragement and the communion, shared burdens and intimacy, oh how beautiful .

When I saw this, I sensed that I might not be walking with the Lord as often as I thought. If a natural walk can induce all this benefits? , how much more when it’s a spiritual walk!

Walking with God is so precious, before the fall, God himself would come to Eden to have a moment with Adam! How do you explain that Enoch walked with God until he was NOMORE ?  It creates a place of such indisputable intimacy; you see the way He sees! It’s no longer you and what you want and how you want, its what is the father’s business for the day!

Can we talk about Yoga?

Let’s shelf our religious mindset for a minute that Yoga is a craft from the devil. The fact is ,  devil owns nothing, the sooner we learn that the better, he can manipulate Yes , but he never is the initiator .Yoga depicts  a method similar to that of  meditation  .Meditation is not a skill that has be secluded to the bald headed monks in the Himalayas , No . The bible highly recommends it.
Joshua 1:8 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night,

 It’s not so much about the meditation but what you are mediating on!

 Any trainer can tell you, it’s not so much how you exercise but what’s on your plate? What are you eating?  Intense work out needs real meat! Paul makes a statement : 

Heb 5:12Although by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to reteach you the basic principles of God’s word. You need milk, not solid food!
What he is trying to say in a polite language is , babies do not enroll for work outs . Babies have no business being handed over serious kingdom business , it is suicidal ! What you eat will qualify what side you transacting are at ! 

 It challenged me to be in the word more often, to be more aware of my eating patterns! Bill Johnson put it this way , Milk is processed food that you get from others and meat is for people who can hunt , cook and chew !  Let's crave more ribs , meat I mean !

Remember this statement?

‘’The real owners of your heart are coming to collect ‘’   You may not feel the need to work out ‘Spiritually ‘ but a time will come when some weights are thrown at  you and I  , I hope  we will be in training enough that they will act as muscle builders for the next challenge and we will not be taken down .  

P.s I am learning, there are no short cuts!  The only easier tact is to know the trainer personally, He has internal leakage that he can handover to make sure that you are doing JUST FINE!

 XO Bellz 
