How Low Can You Go !

Your elevation requires separation “– Unknown.
This is a quote that I read that had me thinking about so many things.  What if your elevation also required moderation? What if your manifestation is not so that you post about but pray about it!

I have been very vulnerable lately in my posts and I feel like we can flow on that tangent. I was just pressing into God and I heard him ask “How low can you go! “  My first reply almost went like “I am already low “but I felt that question linger!

First of all, when such a question is posed, it gets you sort of weak . Like, I am high? Proud? - It makes you recheck your moves. 
 In bid to get this questions answered allow me share.

Mary was just an ordinary girl espoused to the Bae of her life – Joseph. She was awaiting marriage, all that honeymoon shenanigans then start a family, that’s the order right? Then one day, (she was minding her business – no memo, no prior warning) Boom! An angel appears and tells her she is going to get a baby through the divine power of the Holy Spirit and the baby would be called JESUS.
 The same Angel appears to Joseph because it was a God thing, there has to be a witness. (Side note: If God tells a sister, be sure he will alert the brother! -) Days and months pass by and Mary  is fully pregnant . It so happened they had to go the home town  because a decree was made that census and tax things  had to happen.

You would think that Jesus being the son of God, there ought to be a special place where they had been booked-in for the night. If you can ,put yourself in Mary’s shoes, You have been appeared to by the angel of the Lord telling you (shocking even ) that you will carry a heavenly child.  It is time for delivery and the only place available is a manger !

I had to pose here for a moment to just ask Why ! Why a manger? I mean, they must have been someone who saw that Mary was heavily expectant, or a relative ? like for courtesy sake! But then I felt God say "I am intentional".

Jesus being born in a manger did not stop the wise men from travelling miles away with gifts to see him. That did not stop the shepherds from coming to adorn him. Sometimes we get so caught up in the “Child of God “status and forget what it really means. Sometimes it’s not about the posh and the palaces, sometimes like John the Baptist it’s about revival in the desert. I do not by any chance suggest that we are called to be in low estates, but what if for a moment you had to be in a bottom state , yet you have kingship written all over you .

Maybe it was intentional that his birth was low-key because God was trying to preserve him from the hands of the enemy.

We all want when the light and camera hits us and stage is full with anticipation of what we got. What if the place of your announcement is when you are low-key, when you are in some village somewhere,  ( with no WIFI)  hehe .When no one at the office remembers your name or when you have to introduce yourself constantly?
Philippians 2:6
Who, although He existed in the form and unchanging essence of God [as One with Him, possessing the fullness of all the divine attributes—the entire nature of deity], did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped or asserted [as if He did not already possess it, or was afraid of losing it];

Jesus was fully God, but he never allowed himself to run the show. He could have, but he did not He said “I only do what my father does “Even when he was faced with a moment where he was to face destiny, he said “yet not my will be done, but yours “

 Friends, I have been a place where I am constantly asking, what if God wants to interrupt my schedule but I am too busy doing me. What if there is a purpose to all the low moments ? What if like Moses , these moments of solitude lead me to great encounters with the burning bush ?

We all want to be perceived at our highest, right? You want to write the book when you have all this goals  and milestones to write about and life nuggets yet God would rather when you are in that low state .  That way the inspiration is fresh out of his heart to yours.
What if the perfect match comes when you least expect, when you are too vulnerable, too broke, unprepared yet God is asking you to commit.

I am learning that sometimes low is high. Low won’t limit God; it will show an expression of His glory. Otherwise how do you explain how God would use a mere shepherd boy to take out a Goliath who had been a national crisis?

So , How low can you Go ? If you are low , get lower . Maybe that's how you really know who the Most high is and how high he can lift you .

⇨⇨Hey guys, thank you so much for the amazing feedback xoxo , It means a lot that we are learning and growing together . Feel free to Share what the Lord has been ministering to you ! Love  Bellz 
