Sometimes the Way to Win is to Lose Out

 I am not sure why I have been having the urge to be an open book lately. I feel this generosity to share truths from my own personal experiences. I think its like heads-up ! God is doing a new thing and I am comfortable to be used by him as he pleases.

 So as I was taking stock about how 2017 has been like, Yes! We are winding up guys. I feel like the year has literally flown. It’s funny how the last semester of the year feels like 15 hours 5 Days ,. Anyways back to my taking story, so while I was doing that I thought about the things that scare me a lot. Part from heights , snakes ( even on discovery channel ) , I fear loss ., let me rephrase that I used to fear loss .

 This has been the year where I have experienced loss but I have matured into the space of letting go!  I have lost a lot of meaningful relationships, those that felt like they had that bonnie and clyde feel, yet my heart is in a good place.

Losing on stuff is one thing, but losing on people is another thing. I have to admit, it wasn’t easy until the Lord reminded me on something that I am about to share.

You see, so often, when people leave us, the immediate gulp in our throat questions us. Aren’t good enough ? ; is there anything wrong with us? , Not knowing that how people treat us is a reflection of they are.

 Naomi had two daughters in- law, one left , one stayed. I do not have a clue about Orpah’s story because she was never part of the script. Her part ended when she left, and Ruth had a chapter in Naomi’s life and all she did was follow her heart.

There is power in leaving and on the same token there is power in staying. Leaving liberates!  I celebrate people who leave because it means they were brave enough to want out!  They are real enough to say, this path is not for me and for that reason I am out.
They are those that stay and wait for what hails in front of them. They know too well that they made a vow to themselves whatever comes they will handle.

They are those that go, then decide “Home is where the heart is “, like the prodigal son. All these people have one thing in common they all made a decision.
 Adulting is about making decisions, and making them selflessly!  I honestly would have appreciated a class on decision making while growing up instead of the whole monocotyledon, and parts of a flower vibes.  How has knowing a cockroach has a thorax helped you in life – anyway let me get back to the spiritual trail.

 It is not easy to make decisions, but I have come to learn that it’s not the decision that matters it’s who it affects that matters.  It’s about thinking about the next person, I know the idea seems good to you but how about your neighbour, family, colleague or sibling.

Speaking of siblings , when were kids , my siblings and I had this thing , Whoever wakes up first gets the first slice of bread – the extra thick one .  (Come off the judging chamber first, we all had our childhood moments).  So, somehow I was always beaten to the chase because I would wake up late. So one day I decided to put my brain to the test and after everyone had slept, I went and eat the much contested slice bread and slept happily.
Little did I know that I left the bread open and the cat was awake and it needed a sport at night!  I did not have an alarm to wake me, because my mom decided to have early communion with me.

Moral of the story , I made a selfish decision  to satisfy  me , to justify and make me look like I had won . I followed after the passions of my stomach and forgot the integrity and basic rule: if you want something, get it right!

So back to my fear of loss, Paul says in Philippians 4:8 …. “I count all things loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord; for whom I have suffered loss of all things and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ “.

Friends, no one likes to lose, we have been wired to win and score. If Jesus had to, for a moment lose his life to get me purchased in love and redeemed back to fellowship then I can guarantee you that not all loss is bad for you. I dare say, sometimes loss is the tax that you get for that GRAND blessing.

 You never really lost, it was tax duty to keep you humble! (They cried at the cross that their saviour had died, but what they did not know is that He will rise and their lives would never be the same again)

We will continue to suffer as long as we do not want to lose as Christians. I know they said this kingdom is about conquering and winning, but sometimes it’s to the degree you lose! If you doubt me, ask the rich young ruler in Luke 18:18, he wanted to cash in but he was asked to cash out first!

Thank you for reading ! 
 ( also I am thinking of a Q& A  -  You can drop me your questions via twitter or the comment section below )
I don't have all the answers but we can figure it out , also I know of a book full of great wisdom :) )  
xoxo - Bellz 


  1. Great read!I can identify with the fear of loss as well.I would fear losing to the the extend that it would cripple me.I would think of going for something but before I reached for it, I would hear the question "What if you loose?" "What if you fail?" "What happens if you don't make it?".
    It crippled me for so long until i understood the root for me was fear.So sometimes I tell myself "Well if yo u loose, a tleast you'll have learnt something."I don't win all my battles and it's ok.Some are a learning lesson.Thanks for this Bellz

  2. Amazing! God bless u girl. My greatest fear of loss is to loose my soul, as the bible says what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul Mat 16:26. otherwise like a seed I pray to die/loose to what can hinder me in any way that I can bear fruits. Amen!


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