Don't Catch Feelings While God is Throwing Blessings

Have you ever been in a place where you want to serve petty? Let me explain, you feel like you want to treat people the way they treat you, ignore texts refuse to pick calls for no good reason. Say No because saying yes will expose your good side and you are trying not to be the one who is always used, does that sound familiar? Okay maybe you are too holy you cannot relate, how about not wanting to confront issues so you pull a silento move because the idea of correction is too much to handle so you call it “negative” energy. 

Last one, how about changing your profile picture, updating your status or snap stories intentionally trying to communicate a message to one person instead of just solving the issue. I have felt that way and let’s be honest sometimes it feels good. It feels good because it feeds the ego but the truth is, it leaves you more broken and wounded because there is a void that self-satisfaction cannot fill.

Allow me to share about someone that I read about, two people actually. 2nd Kings 5 introduces us to a man called Naaman, a man doing great things for the Lord yet he is plagued by Leprosy. Funny how our cure comes from the least expected people, a small servant girl whose name is unknown tells them about a prophet in Israel who is able to cure him.  Naaman takes the initiative to travel in search of his healing from this famed prophet in Israel.

He gets there and the prophet sends a messenger and tells him to wash himself in the Jordan River.  Namaan was disappointed, first he had come all the way and man of God sends someone without seeing him. Secondly, he was told to wash himself seven times in a River that wasn’t that clean . 

Remember I told you that Namaan was a big shot in his country? , Like the king’s host so he couldn’t understand why he wasn’t getting VIP treatment (Petty 001). You see, he was the Leper but he was being petty about how he wanted to receive the healing.  He was being ego-centric and it took the intervention of his servants to tell him, Boss, look you need healing just do what the MOG tells you, in other words…Don’t be petty  just follow instructions.
 I digress and say, what ails us from God’s best sometimes is petty. Petty likes to linger and pumper the ego but one has to be so dependent on God.   You remember what God told Cain after the sacrifice,
 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”
What Cain was doing was being petty and catching feelings because God said, Good Abel that’s how I like it. Cain saw what was meant to be correction as rejection was and he missed what God was saying. He killed his brother instead of solving an issue that pissed him. Truth is, we can throw jabs at Cain but deep inside there are situations we want to kill instead of addressing the real issue.

Catching feelings and being petty are sisters, you see when you decide that you will abide in Christ it means Christ is the Lord of your Will. Will = Emotions * Feelings * Desires.  This means, you might be feeling this way but because you want to serve God and not you’re Ego you simply do it God’s way.  It’s not easy to follow God’s way, ask Jonah! But at the end of the day it’s the most secure and perfect way.  I am a victim of wanting to do things my way, giving God PowerPoint presentations of 100 ways why I need this and that.  In fact I go further and manipulate him and even come with scriptures to support my theory but God is God and his will prevails.
  No-one is perfect and we are trying to live a place of obedience  in a world that tells us Be your own Boss.  At the end of the day May we be counted as faithful servants in the vineyard of the master.  

“John 15: 7If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will[a] ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.


  1. Oh my! I divorce pettiness and catching feelings!! This is straight out of Heavens gate!

  2. Amazing! may God help us to submit to his will


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