This Year is different , Make it Count

Happy 2017 !!! Aren't we all excited that it's a new year?   There is always a fresh aroma in the air every new year and I know that's God's way of saying " Here is a fresh Start!".

This year must be different!  So I told myself but let's get into that dialogue of why  I think so. 
Only a fool does the same thing over and over and expects the same results...  a wise man's quote.  I agree,  I am victim of expecting the same results while I have been doing nothing different.  
4 things I have been learning that I want to share with you.  
1.Everything is a heart Issue 

Proverbs 4:23 " Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of Life "  that word keep is also Guard on some translations . 
Your heart is not a joke.... Show me your heart and I will show you your issues.  I
bumped on some Instagram quote that read " Discern your Judas from your Peter... Judas had a bad heart... Peter just had a bad day.  Peter you restore, Judas you release.  That was profound because it mirrored the condition of their hearts . 
There are people that are toxic for your heart.. Release them. It doesn't mean that they are bad people,its just the way your heart is set up there is no room for them. 
Jesus said where your heart is, there your treasure will be.  What he was saying is... Careful what you set your heart on because it will tell on you.  I know people say Hips don't lie but I feel like the heart doesn't lie either. 

2.Just Do It 
This is Nike's Logo but it's still relevant here.  I am still learning to be confident to pursue what God has for me.  Learning that the talk is important but it is the walk that is really significant.  When Moses was sent to deliver the Children of Israel Exodus 4, the Lord asked him what's that in your hand?  Let's be real, just like any individual Moses though that God was going to provide an army.  I could imagine Moses thinking how AK-47s and Machetes were going to be his life but imagine the Lord told him "What's that in your hand ''.I realized that the Lord is about Action,  let's do this kind of goals.  It's not easy to set up on a journey and walk ,but step after step you will gain ground .  The talk has been too much it's time to connect the Audio to the Video.. lights ,Camera ACTION!  

Everything is loud,  including Your Own thoughts.  I have come to learn that noise doesn't have impact...  Thunder doesn't have much impact as rain does.  I have been to parties with loud music that were of zero significance and I have been to quiet meetings and even parties and I left with alot. The point here is that there is something that silence does that noise won't do.  The power to keep calm when everything else is chaotic...  The strength to hold the tongue when the mind is running on a full explode mileage.  Proverbs 13:3.... Move in silence . Some of the most successful assisinations were in silence , there is power in silence. "Be still and know that I am God",  the knowledge of God is hidden in stillness .Shhhhhhh , I know you want to react but Silence! 

4. Chill ,Its okay 
The world has a system...  The system has codes and we are bound by them unless we realise who we really are.  Romans 12.2
Do not be conformed to this world :but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may Prove, what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 

There is a proving that needs to be done but it happens to people whose mind is renewed. 
It's okay if people will not understand your thought process, your reasons, question your motives It's okay.  We are not if this world so you might as well run with that.  
God is in the business of showing his splendor but we cannot show forth God if the systems of the world are engraved in us.  In short,  you cannot be Running on windows and Ubuntu at the same time... Pick a struggle. God is calling us to stand out not to fit in because of the purposes that he has put on the inside of US. 

As I said earlier,  this are things that I am gradually learning every other day.  I have to remind myself... Program myself if I have to.  It is not easy, but it's worth it.  

I have that sunshine know my pocket feeling that this year will be a good year.  Why?  Because I choose to see it that way and I am positioning my heart to see all the good things God has in store for each day.  ......& I am coming for everything they said I couldn't have. 😊

From my heart to yours.... Happy 2017💕


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Wao you deserve a standing ovation child
    A big loud of applause goes to you



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