Accept The Jesus Challenge

 Happy New Month .
 Now more than ever there is such a move of GOD . A stirring of the people's heart ,a thirst and a hunger to learn , hear and be established in HIS  power . The other way I can tell is also due to the rise of opposition and counterfeits  towards God and a lot of contrary minds towards Godliness  . All over sudden , secular musicians are hinting to some " Let's Sing For God " vibes .  Not that there is anything wrong but Let's be real , You endorse wine Publicly and want to convince us that wine and water mix in the same bottle . You are either High on Wine or drenched in water , pick a struggle !

 What are we calling Gospel music really ? The Gospel is the good News , the GO forth and tell the world about Jesus not motivate people about the issues of the world .  Isaiah 61 Proclaims that it is the setting free , the letting lose , and restoration . The truth is ,you can't set another prisoner free while you are still bound.
 The bible says that in the last days God will pour his spirit upon all Flesh ( Joel 2:28 ) and wonders will be recorded  .  But as the Lord gets ready to do that , we have a mandate to arise and stand firm . It is not easy to be a Spiritual christian , because everything is spiritual . You realize that people , conversations and daily interactions are more spiritual than they are physical .
 God is up to to something great and the more He does it , the more there is resistance to his work. Someone told me the only reason people resist the  Word of God is because it is the TRUTH , it is alive and active . The Truth you know that sets you free , in the meantime , lies will have you dabble here an there like a Panda ( Black and white ).

We have been built up on  so many lies but when the Word of God opens our eyes we are able to see and perceive greater heights of truths. What they do not tell us is that the higher the ladder the thicker the air .  There are forces and people who are determined to keep people bound in lies so that their perverse and selfish desires are achieved .  For instance , why create a virus so that you can make people buy the Anti- Virus just to get some coins in your pocket ?......#Theworldsystem
In college , we were taught that demand is always HIGH and the Supply is LOW and  that we have limited resource and hence have to fight for resources .
The word of the LORD refuses with such a statement  See : ( Psalms 24:1 Psalm of David.} The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.  Also  John 6: 9 The boy with 2 Loaves and 5 Fish , the demand was high but how do you explain the resources and Supply!  . 
Look , I am not nullifying the fact that the world has a system , but we are not called to be like the World . We are the children of the God and he is the one in control and lord over all .Unfortunately , we have enrolled to the paycheck of the world and  forgotten how God can be trusted and be relied upon.
Maybe you were taught , or picked up somethings along the line of your inevitable growth in the world . Romans 12:2 tells us to renew our minds , our minds are like magnets , anything can stick and glue itself but God's Word counters everything that is detrimental to quality  life . 

Over and above , I am basically speaking to myself and reminding myself that I am Different . It is okay if people do not understand where you are coming from and even where you are going but it is Worth It . This World has no any  benefit or incentives  , it actually robs and the only place you can be replenished , secured and validated is with JESUS.   
The only way that we can be positioned to be participator's in the move of God is by Accepting The Jesus Challenge - Let him be the Lord of Your everything .
