Getting Hold of the Sword of God in Our Lives

 It has been a very interesting time with the Lord, but I am back to share my endeavors.  A lot can happen in a few weeks, or months but Boy! I’m so glad that Jesus is always vouching for us.  I have learnt the importance of reading the word of God. The word of God is the TRUE Sword, actively fighting for us. Interesting how we have fortified things that speak in our lives and often forget what the word of God Says.

You can never get enough of God’s word; it is always refreshing and directing us the TRUTH.  The bible is the only book that reads you as you read it, It’s the Divine Mwakenya (comes through at all times) :) .You shall KNOW the Truth and the TRUTH shall set you free; most of us are bound because we do not believe the Truth (the word of GOD). 

Just as a personal testimony, I never knew what amazing grace was until I was delivered from being a wretch. Now, before you try to guess what sort of mess I was dealing with allow me to say this: All that glitters is not gold. Not everything that comes your way is from heaven, it sure does look like it but it is not IT. The Truth is always clear; when it doesn’t feel right it’s not right. The Holy Spirit is always an inner witness, and he always testifies the TRUTH.

We often miss opportunities because they come dressed in overalls and aprons. The Pharisees couldn’t accept Jesus because they thought “What good thing can come from Nazareth?”  Sometimes it’s not the complex stuff that will get us where we want to be it’s the simple stuff.  It is the 30 minutes you spend with God every day, forgiving and letting go, your time fellow shipping with believers, that’s the real growth.

Do not be caught up wanting to fast for 40 days in Kalahari and you don’t have a clue what John 3:16 says.  It is like trying to drive while you are blind-folded, that is not faith my friend let’s call it foolishness. I have no problem with radical Christians, I just feel like we should be GROUNDED in the Word of God. That way you can answer back to the devil “IT IS WRITTEN “.

Ask anyone who works out at a gym, they didn’t just Muscle UP!  They had to start somewhere, they had to sacrifice some luxuries and indulge in some self discipline. The outside manifestation of the Abs and the well toned body is as a result of some routine exercise.  

 The same applies to us Christians; if you want to shade some carnal / worldly weight … then you have to work out the word of God. You won’t have to say that you have been reading and praying, people will see it. You shall know them by their fruits! It’s cool that we want to be sold out for Jesus but Jesus Loves Fruitful People because that is how the kingdom of God will grow.

Don’t focus on how to do it, focus of Jesus for He will give you the Power, ability and zeal to do it. He knows every weakness but He says that when you are weak he is strong. He is the True VINE! And we draw strength from Him, He is the WORD! (John 1:1).

 Read your Bible, pray every day, And you’ll grow, grow, grow.  Such a sweet Children song but many grown Christians need this to be their Alarm tune and their ring-back tune.   May we find the strength to be constant in God’s word because it is the true essence and blueprint of our existence.
